Racism, Defined
Racism describes a system of power and oppression/advantage and disadvantage based on race. Racism is a system, or series of systems, in which institutional practices, laws, policies, social- cultural standards, and socio-political decisions establish and reinforce norms that perpetuate racial group inequities (Lawrence, Keleher, 2004).
According to this definition, two elements are required in order for racism to exist: racial prejudice, and social power to codify and enforce this prejudice into an entire society (Bidol, 1970).
Racism = Prejudice + Power
Within the context of the United State of America, and other nations, structural racism takes the form of white supremacy; the preferential treatment, privilege, power, access, networks, and access to opportunities available to white people, which often designate communities of color to chronic adverse outcomes (Lawrence, Keleher, 2004).
“It is important to understand that the system of advantage is perpetuated when we do not acknowledge its existence.”